Observation for this week.
1. Stephen was able to do up a 12 piece puzzle all by himself. After that he want us to mix it up for him to do again. He even tried a 24 pieces, which he did half way and give up. I was surprise as we never play that with him. In fact he didn't try a 4 piece puzzle which he always see. Maybe bec the 12/24 pieces was Thomas the train.
2. For toilet training, he confirm for us this week that he is ready. He is now able to do without dryper for most of the day. afew occasion,he has his nap w/o it on and we got to pray hard. There was also one occasion that he brought the maid to the toilet indicating that he wanted to "shit" which he did.
3. One interesting incident was Stephen asking angel to play the piano. It was a particular piece of music that he like and he pull angel's hand back to the piano when ever she lifted it away. When angel try playing another music her will get anger. He really have a temper. These days there are more stamping of feet and hitting of us whenever he gets anger. Any suggestions?
4. He is getting better at keeping things. A number of occasion this week, after school, he took off his own shoes and socks and put them into the shoes cupboard. He was able at times to take out his shoes too. Next is to see if he can put on his shoes himself. Interestingly we never intentional teach him these. But we realized that he learned a lot by observation.
5. Asking us for help has been easlier. He is using often "come" when asking us to go with him without promting. Starting to use watch for "watching VCD" and "eat bread", "open" for opening the cupboard too.
6. Today he also repeat after me when doing the Chinese flash cards. Not all the sound was accurate but it was clear that he was repeating. We did about 30 cards b4 he got tired of it.