11 Apr - Today Stephen climbed onto my chair and stood behind my back while I was working at the computer. I mentioned, "Give mama your hands." Then I felt two little hands on my shoulders.
10 Apr - Stephen pointed at the toy shelves as he spoke in his language. As I couldn't comprehend him, I pulled out different toy sets for him to view and "approve". His approval came when I showed him the fire station set (which is now on the children's table along with Thomas & "friends"). Then Stephen said, "That's the one I want". The words were not very loud but every word sounded very distinct. Daniel who stood at the hall could also hear Stephen's exact words.
I enjoyed last weekend with Stephen and Deborah. I enjoy coming to Stephen's blog and read of the many different things that he has done with us. At home, in church and in school, I find that Stephen is making progress at his own pace. Last week as I sat in for an observation session with Teacher Harnezah, I was really glad to see Stephen doing his tasks with ease. This "ease" is like he is familiar with the system and how he should perform the various tasks. When Stephen encounter difficulties in managing his tasks, he would place the object in teacher's hand. He was able to keep his completed task, one at a time, into a "Finished" box. He also reciprocate his teacher's encouragement of "Hi 10" with both hands.
Than over the weekend, I simulated the process at home. I used a box and put it at the right side of Stephen. Then from his left side, I hand him different tasks. Once he completed each task, he automatically put the "task item " into the box without any explicit prompt. I imitated teacher's style by saying "finish" and "good job". At times, I also invited him to do "Hi 10" with me which he did. My tasks are completing 1 to 2 pieces of jigsaw puzzles (the rest of the pieces are fitted in), a few missing letters of the alphabet, all the shapes of the shape sorter (For some of the more similar shapes eg. pentagon, hexagon,octagon, I held onto Stephen's fingers to explore the sides), the 2 wooden trains with different shapes, the wooden house which I explored different people like mommy is doing the laundry and daddy is cooking,etc. It was really structured and perhaps at times you may wish to do them with Stephen. Just remember to hand him the tasks from the left so that he can place the completed work into the box at his right. Left to right concept.
Thank you everyone for your efforts in helping and praying for Stephen. To me, all these intervention and progress would not be possible without your first giving of prayers, time and love. I'm very encouraged by Helen Keller's teacher Anne Sullivan. She became Helen's teacher before she reached the age of 21. To this little girl who was both blind and deaf, Anne said that only love can move this child who was "trapped" in her own world without sight and sound. And she succeeded in turning Helen "around" and Helen eventually went on to be a speaker and writer. Remembering this has never failed to warm my heart and being with Stephen by just accepting and loving him as though nothing big may happen often reminds me that the bottomline is to love him despite whatever that may or may not happen.
This journey is exciting and has its unexpected rewards. At the right day, at the right place, at the right moment, he will give us a little surprise. This platform is a collection of all the surprises that he has given to different people. So, let's press on!
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