here's some other things that likely will bring stephen's attention.
1. number flash card (1-30) on the small green table. he can say 1-10 rather clearly now as you flash. sometiime i will say 1-9 and build the excitment to 10 for him to say. he will enjoy this.
2. when you sing the song suggested by angel, leave out some of the key words and he will most likely fill in eg. twinker, twinker little _____"Star".
3.there is a "shark" hand puppet. use it to do physical interaction like biting his nose, fingers, he likes it and eyes will follow it.
4. throw his pillow up the ceiling. say "up" "down" he enjoy. at times he will want to throw it too. this is good bec he is follow the initiative and is learning to take turn. pualse and see if he will say "up" and "down"
5. some time ago, we had a good time of kicking and throwing ball in the kitchen, try it. when we say kick and throw he actually followed and enjoyed.
6. i play runing with him and it got his attention. basically just run from the bench to the wall and back and call him to "come" to your location, then run off again to the next location.
7. there is this "baby shakespeare soundtrack" that he recently starts to enjoy. i carried him and try to dance in the tempo and he enjoys and did give reasonable eye contacts. trying this will definate build hui ping's muscel.
8. with the rebouncer and "plastic rocking hourse" we observed more eye contact as he play, so use it much for now, try and share what new thing you found successful.
most imp, the 3 Es, energy, excitement, enthusium.
btw. i thought we will not lock him in the room from now on, i kind of figure out that it will be better. i think he wiles bec there is nothing in the bed room that attracts him. i realised this when i brought him to the OT the first time. bec the set up was liken unto a gym, he willing came dowm from my arm and play joyfully.
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